- Description: Create an order and obtain URL to the hosted checkout page
- Path:
- Method:
- Request Header:
Content-Type: application/json
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required/optional | Default | Description |
merchantId | string | Required | Merchant identifier | |
currency | string | Optional | HKD | 3-Letters ISO currency code, supports HKD , USD |
amount | number | Required | Order amount | |
merchantReference | string | Required | An unique reference to identify this order | |
callbackUrl | object | Optional | ||
callbackUrl.success | string | Optional | An URL to redirect after successful payment | | | string | Optional | An URL to redirect after failed payment | |
callbackUrl.cancel | string | Optional | An URL to redirect when payment is cancelled | |
callbackUrl.notify | string | Optional | An API URL in merchant's backend to receive notification | |
isRecurring | boolean | Optional | false | Enable/disable recurring payment |
expiryTime | datetime | Optional | now + 1000s | Time that this order will be expired in ISO 8601 format. |
lineItems | array | Required | Line item list. There can be 1..n object with line item details | |
lineItems[index].quantity | number | Required | Number of items, must be an integer | |
lineItems[index].priceData | object | Required | Price data object with details | |
lineItems[index].priceData.unitAmount | number | Required | Unit amount of the item | |
lineItems[index] | string | Required | Name of the item | |
lang | string | Optional | Web browser default | Default language, value can be zh-HK or en |
showLang | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide language options |
showPoweredBy | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide Powered by BBMSL text at the bottom |
paymentMethods | string | Optional | All available payment methods | Supported payment methods by order, separated with comma. Available methods: CARD , APPLEPAY , GOOGLEPAY , ALIPAYHK , ALIPAYCN , WECHATPAY |
defaultPaymentMethod | string | Optional | Preselected payment method, fallback to first method if it is not available. Available methods: CARD , APPLEPAY , GOOGLEPAY , ALIPAYHK , ALIPAYCN , WECHATPAY | |
allowedBinRanges | array | Optional | Allow only the card matches the provided bin ranges, support VISA, Mastercard and American Express only. | |
allowedBinRanges[index].binStart | string | Required | Start of bin range, e.g., 4812 ,540820 ,3742 . | |
allowedBinRanges[index].binEnd | string | Required | End of bin range, must be the same length as binStart . e.g., 4814 ,540870 ,3748 . | |
allowedCardType | string | Optional | Allow only the provided card type to proceed if given, applying only when CARD , APPLEPAY , or GOOGLEPAY is included in paymentMethods . Available card type: VISA , MASTER , UNIONPAY , AMEX | |
showOrderDetail | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide order item list |
showEmail | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide email input field |
showMerchantReference | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide order's merchant reference on the top right corner |
showOrderId | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide order ID |
showResultPage | boolean | Optional | true | Show/hide result page, callbackUrl must be given if set to false |
themeColor | string | Optional | Order page background color | |
buttonBackgroundColor | string | Optional | Background color of all buttons | |
buttonFontColor | string | Optional | Font color of all buttons |
"request": "{\"currency\":\"HKD\",\"amount\":270,\"callbackUrl\":{\"success\":\"\"},\"lineItems\":[{\"priceData\":{\"name\":\"Books\",\"unitAmount\":50},\"quantity\":5},{\"priceData\":{\"name\":\"Shipping Cost\",\"unitAmount\":20},\"quantity\":1}],\"allowedBinRanges\":[{\"binStart\":\"4812\",\"binEnd\":\"4816\"},{\"binStart\":\"540820\",\"binEnd\":\"540870\"}],\"merchantId\":\"3\",\"merchantReference\":\"merRef1709258105036\",\"isRecurring\":false,\"buttonBackgroundColor\":\"#3DAD02\",\"buttonFontColor\":\"#FFFFFF\",\"showPoweredBy\":false}",
"signature": "lKjsmv+dpl9nPap5pTkNROzUdQYWOhkWJrjp+jyimGb74NL61DAvLq+5kUI8HEhKxGBzdyoGm1jp2Dq0aD3gIii3FHvpopTtWtIMawy2a4rsE8HA/zKUmEsw3YtEaYeT+5ULfDq4E6my0UvOA5VsgbfYYif0MvBPKsXOw6O0TMa4X3JoS8ZmEcsJ5RqNJB5DNh68GUclgaHotH4kcuaSzH0Hw1ZoXX/20j3lXsFgJNkHSsNsVMKfrFgzTUq/mcNkcnhcj5BKxhtU5APYAAzk0gWQZq14nnFog6IQSXInZU7f+cvm3N/AvxjwmvYkZVPLdMLDaRQaStHOVN4P+pWbtA=="
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required/optional | Description |
responseCode | string | Required | Payment Gateway response code |
message | string | Required | Payment Gateway response message |
checkoutUrl | string | Required | URL to hosted checkout page |
order | object | Required | Object contains order details | | number | Required | Order identifier. If it is recurring payment, save this value as next recurring payment's parentOrderId |
order.merchantId | number | Required | Merchant identifier which own this order |
order.merchantReference | string | Required | Your reference for the order |
order.currency | string | Required | 3-Letters ISO currency code of the order |
order.amount | number | Required | Amount of order |
order.netAmount | number | Required | Net amount of the order |
order.createTime | datetime | Required | Timestamp when the order is created. Maintained by the Payment Gateway |
order.updateTime | datetime | Required | Timestamp when the order is last updated. Maintained by the Payment Gateway |
order.status | string | Required | Status of the order. Maintained by the Payment Gateway |
order.recurring | boolean | Required | Flags the order is a recurring order or not |
"responseCode": "0000",
"message": "SUCCESS",
"checkoutUrl": "",
"order": {
"id": 4920,
"merchantId": 9000067,
"merchantReference": "merRef1698373981165",
"currency": "HKD",
"amount": 550,
"netAmount": 0,
"createTime": "2023-10-27T02:33:02.307+00:00",
"updateTime": "2023-10-27T02:33:02.493+00:00",
"status": "OPEN",
"recurring": false